The CST RED HOT Webinar Series
The CST Education and Research Committees with assistance from the Canadian Donation and Transplantation Research Program (CDTRP) have developed a RED HOT Webinar Series (Research, Education, Development for Healthcare professionals and Organ Transplantation). This webinar series is intended for fellows in transplantation and junior faculty and meant to provide them with an introduction to research topics.
The first session was held at the 2023 CST Annual Scientific Meeting on October 17th. Both presentations are available online. Dr. Leanne Stalker, Kidney Foundation of Canada, presented Research Grant Writing from the perspective of a non-CIHR lense. Dr. Keith Fowke, University of Manitoba, presented Research Grant Writing to gain understanding of CIHR opportunities.
Identifying your research questions and selecting the correct methodology
The next Webinar session will be on January 23, 2024, 5-6 pm EST. The title of this session is “Identifying your research questions and selecting the correct methodology”, presented by Dr. Vladimir Marquez, Vancouver General Hospital.
The format will be a 20–25-minute didactic talk, followed by 5-10-minute Q/A, and then small breakout rooms where the attendees can ask direct questions about their own studies.
About Dr. Vladimir Marquez
Dr. Vladimir Marquez is a transplant hepatologist and a clinical associate professor of gastroenterology at the Vancouver General Hospital. He holds a Masters degree in Clinical Epidemiology from McGill University. He is currently the Medical Lead of the Liver Transplant Program and the Academic Lead of the Transplant Hepatology Fellowship. His area of research interest includes complications of portal hypertension and liver transplantation outcomes.