In addition to its five research themes, the CDTRP has multiple hubs and working groups open to all members of the CDTRP community. If you would like to join one or learn more, please email us at
CDTRP Mental Health and Wellness Hub
The CDRTP Mental Health and Wellness Hub is a targeted group specifically focused on ideas exchange, initiatives to build research capacity across Canada, collaborative grant development and project support. The goal is to develop and submit a team grant for national funding. This Hub focuses on mental health outcomes and its associated conditions related to transplant recipients – an under-researched patient and caregiver priority. Initial meetings sessions will feature short presentations from CDTRP researchers who are doing great work in mental health and transplant. Presentations are followed by discussions on how the CDTRP Mental Health Hub can advance work in this space. Ultimately, the meetings will be a forum for grant development, review and support for grant applicant teams – in preparation for funding applications.
CDTRP Exercise Hub
The CDTRP Exercise Hub is a targeted group specifically focused on project support, collaborative grant development, and initiatives to build research capacity across Canada. The CDTRP Exercise Hub aims to allow for targeted discussion surrounding exercise, prehabilitation, rehabilitation, and sarcopenia and how they relate to the transplant patient both pre and post-surgery. Ultimately, the meetings will be a forum for grant development, review and support for grant applicant teams – in preparation for funding applications.
CDTRP Allied Research in Donation and Transplantation (ARDOT) Working Group
It is common for all organ donation and transplantation researchers to seek improvements in organ donation and transplantation outcomes. Most of those processes very often involve nursing care and procedures. Allied Health Professionals (registered nurses, respiratory therapists, occupational therapists, psychologists, etc.) working either in organ donation or transplantation fields experience daily challenges in the healthcare system and would have the best ideas to contribute to research in this area. However, their busy clinical lives and lack of access to research resources often prevent their contribution to science.
- The main objective of this working group is to bridge the contributions of allied health professionals to clinical advancements through research.
- To provide research support to allied health clinicians and clinicians conducting research with allied health populations
- To promote inter-professional collaboration between allied health professionals in the clinical and academic areas to advance organ donation research internationally
- To promote a participatory approach to research addressing the real needs of knowledge users at the endpoint of care
CDTRP Research and Innovation Eye and Tissue Committee (in development)
In an effort to bridge the gap between Clinical/Eye and Tissue Bank/Research groups, we are launching the CDTRP Research and Innovation Eye and Tissue Committee. This new Research Committee is part of the overall strategy to advance and develop a national governance framework for the Eye and tissue Community that CDTRP is supporting in partnership with the Canadian Ophthalmological Society and Canadian Blood Services. Our guiding vision for this Research Committee is to enable collaborative research efforts to fill knowledge gaps identified by the human eye and tissue community and link with other national governance structures to inform and improve clinical practices. We would be grateful if you took a few moments to answer some questions to help guide our activities.