Theme 1: Improve a Culture of Donation – October 22 Meeting Agenda

Each of the five CDTRP Research Themes holds regular meetings to discuss new ideas, present the latest research results, and make new connections. CDTRP Theme meetings are open to all CDTRP members (including trainees and PFD partners). If you would like to attend or present at an upcoming Theme meeting please email Research Manager Katie Bain at

Theme 1 meeting
  • Friday, October 22, 2021
  • 9 am PT | 10 am MT | 12 pm ET | 1 pm AT
    1. Welcome and CDTRP Updates (15 minutes)
    2. Presentation by Kyla Naylor and Susan Mckenzie: A Quality Improvement Intervention to Enhance Access to Kidney Transplantation and Living Kidney Donation (EnAKT LKD) in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (20 minutes presentation + 20 minutes discussion)
Learn more on CDTRP Research Themes here.